Iran will build an atomic bomb in a few weeks: US Secretary of State

Anthony Blinken US Secretary of State
Image by Aljazeera

The US Secretary of State has expressed concern that Iran could possibly develop an atomic bomb in a few months or weeks.

In his first interview since taking office, Anthony Blinken said the nuclear dispute with Iran could escalate as Iran moves closer to its goal by lifting further sanctions under the treaty and pursuing a nuclear program. Making weapons will be a game of weeks. Iran is fast becoming a nuclear power and is getting closer to it.

Trump unilaterally terminated the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty with Iran under his predecessor, President Obama, and imposed tougher sanctions on Iran in 2018 to increase pressure. However, President Biden has hinted at renegotiating talks with Iran on the condition that the previous agreement be adhered to.

JCPOA Iran atomic agreement
U.S. President Donald Trump holds up an announcement reveal his plan to withdraw from the JCPOA Iran atomic agreement in the wake of marking it in the Diplomatic Room at the White House in Washington, U.S. May 8, 2018. (Reuters)

In this regard, two days ago, Iranian Foreign Office spokesman Saeed Khatibzadeh had made it clear that talks with the United States would not be the same as in 2015 and that just signing would not restore the old conditions.

In this context, regarding the US Secretary of State's statement on Iran's nuclear capability, observers say that President Biden must also create an atmosphere in his country to start talks with Iran, this is a policy for him. The challenge is, and on the other hand, the pressure that if Iran manages to develop a nuclear weapon in spite of all sanctions, the situation in the region and the world will change dramatically, so the Biden administration is Bring Iran to the negotiating table as soon as possible.

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